Some repair work/drainage work has already taken place before the Christmas break most noticeably at the 7th approach. The damaged/worn area directly in front of the green has been lifted and the soil/clay dug out to a depth of 8inches. Three new lateral drains were then installed and connected to an existing main pipe filled with gravel and then root zone in preparation for turfing. Turfing of the area has now also been completed using established turf from the putting which will help with returning the area to playing condition as soon as is possible. A picture is included of this work in progress.
Turf from the putting green will be used throughout the drainage works on the greens as it will give these areas the best/quickest chance of full recovery.
The bunker on the right of the 2nd has recently been given an extensive make over! This was required as the existing bunker had some issues with drainage. We also felt that the contours were leaving some golfers with an unfair shot due to the narrow middle section and took this opportunity to make it more playable. Pictures of the process are included below.
We also had two very large trees fall down beside the 7th green with the strong winds before Christmas. This was a lengthy process to get them cut up and removed from the area safely. Pictures included.
Other jobs taking place over the early part of the year include general maintenance and tidying of the course for play on a daily basis. Also the furniture maintenance program which takes a consideral amount of time will be carried out mainly when we have poorer weather conditions. There is also a burst in an irrigation pipe which has been located and will be repaired shortly.
Unfortunately with the amount of rain of rain at the start of this year we have been forced to move onto winter greens. This will be assessed regularly and if the weather Improves and the course becomes dryer a return to the 'big greens' will be imminent.
Some of our members may be aware that over the holiday period we had an incident occur on the 17th summer green. Unfortunately someone has caused excessive damage to the green using mainly the heel of a boot/shoe and possibly another item that looks like the point of an umbrella. Pictures will be included below. This is type of behaviour is criminal damage and totally unacceptable. It is worrying for both staff and members alike. The golf club would ask if anyone has any information at all then please get in touch to either Archie or David in the office as this will be useful to see what can be done about the situation. The green staff are hopefully that the green can be repaired without too much disruption although it will take time from an already demanding schedule.
Lastly the green staff would like to wish a Happy and successful New Year to all our members. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us and we will continue to do our best to ensure that the golf course is presented in its best possible condition and is enjoyable for all golfers.